MF.1939.350.5.2023 - graphite, drafting film - 2023 (completed drawing without wax transfer)

Artist Statement

I create objects with wax, using a meticulous and unpredictable process of my own invention. Earnestly rendered drawings, often encompassing hundreds of hours of labor, are carefully transferred to molten wax. The resulting wax medium creates a luminous and seductive ground for the drawn image. Despite the precarious nature of the image transfer to wax, and the risk of numerous mishaps that may destroy the entire piece, I am committed to resolving each work no matter how many restarts are needed. There is an absurdity to the process that makes the successes euphoric and mystifying. The resulting objects are extremely fragile and all the more precious to have made it through. 

An ongoing series, using graphite, wax, and drafting film, investigates my love of art history. With sincere reverence, I strive to exemplify the brilliance of the past and to transmit my own inspiring art experiences to others. The wax objects document my response to the almost sacred presence of old masterworks in-person. I aim to achieve a similar presence through my own unique process.


Matthew Gallagher is an artist and arts educator living and working in Inglewood CA. He holds a BFA in Painting from Rhode Island School of Design. He is a Gallery Public Docent at the J. Paul Getty Museum and Director of California State Summer School for the Arts.